Seamless guest access experience
Hotel Solution
Hotels face labor shortages and an 86% turnover rate. Our solution provides automation so hotels can serve more guests with fewer staff.
Keeps hotels equipped with latest hotel lock technologies
Improve experience & loyalty
Friction during check-in process and frustrations with key cards leads to poor guest experience. Our solution streamlines the check-in process to help eliminate lobby wait times. We provide reliable NFC mobile keys that work even when the phone is dead or the option of Bluetooth mobile keys.
Mobile key and remote check-in
Access to guest preferences
No long lobby wait times
Reduces reliance on front desk staff for check-in process
Increases efficiency so fewer staff can do more
Simplifies check-in process that requires little to no skill from staff
Saves money with free ongoing lock upgrades, maintenance, and support
Supports legacy key cards
Know who is entering and exiting with auditable logs
Secures mobile keys and key cards with layers of encryption
Verifies guest identity in advance to ensure authenticity
Integration with PMS
We have planned integrations with the vast majority of property management systems. In the meantime, we provide a portal solution for hotels with currently unsupported property management systems.
Visual Matrix
Guests love our solution
Mobile Check-in
62%prefer checking in with an app (statista)
Mobile Key
72%would use a mobile key to enter their room
85%willing to download